Category Real Men Tips

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Be her LEADER – Equality is a LIE. It doesn’t EXIST. Men and women are NOT equal. They are NOT the same. MOST of relationship issues arise from THIS belief that men and women are the same – that they…


One of THE most common queries I get is, “Sir, HOW do I meet women NEAR me?” Valid. People are busy. Studies, work, gym and what not. It is efficient to find ways to meet women near you, if you…

How to get a Girlfriend

Let’s be HONEST here for a second – you don’t want a GIRLFRIEND – you want a girl to HAVE S3X WITH. Most guys STILL believe that you HAVE to be in a relationship with a girl – i.e. MAKE…

Girls who like to PLAY

Beware girls who LIKE to PLAY “girlfriend”/”live-in partner”. These girls will do ALL the things that you would expect from a good girlfriend or partner – cooking, cleaning, sex. Everybody INCLUDING YOU will think you two are in a relationship…

If a girl has cut marks on her wrists, she self-harms and WILL be an emotional drain at least, or a death threatening crazy girl at worst. Lately, girls have started realising that guys KNOW this Red Flag – so…

If you take a girl’s number, and she doesn’t reply to your FIRST text – wait for 24 hours after you have sent the text, and if she still hasn’t responded, delete the text you sent, and DON’T send ANY…