Welcome to majesticmonster.com! We are here to help YOU take control of your Dating and Relationships.

Most people are subconsciously following what they have seen in movies, songs and romance novels when it comes to love, sex and relationships. Worse, they go to online forums and take advice from strangers – basically teenagers advising teenagers – what could go wrong?

To achieve any goal, you need to have a well laid out plan – and as a guy you have one for your career, you have one for your dream physique, but…

Or are you HOPING and PRAYING for a MIRACLE??
When you REALLY should be doing is working with an expert like a Mentor for your career and a Trainer for workouts

This is EXACTLY what we do for Men.
We at majesticmonster.com help men with dating, finding a girlfriend, understanding women PRACTICALLY, running a relationship and even HOW to END a relationship amicably.
Whatever your relationship goals, we can help you with them.
Question is, are you a good FIT for our services? Take a look at the following statements.

How do I find a girlfriend?
How do I succeed in the Indian Dating Market?
How to get over a breakup?
How to deal with a breakup?
How to move on from a breakup?
How do you get over a breakup?
How to get a date?
How to find a date?
How to meet women near me?
I am looking for relationship advice for men.
I want the best dating coach in India.
I am interested in meeting women.
How to handle a breakup?
I am looking for a Pickup artist in India.
I want a How to talk to women book.
I need a Dating Coach near me
How to get over being cheated on?
How to get over someone cheating on you?
How to get out of the friendzone?

If ANY of these apply to YOU, you are at the RIGHT place! We specialise in these, and EVERY other dating and relationship issue that men face today.
From helping 5-foot introverts make their first cold approaches, to advising people in their 50’s on prospective love interests (yes, People in India date in their 50’s too), we have seen and done it all. It does not matter if you are short, out of shape, old, divorced, virgin, never talked to a girl in your LIFE – we WILL have you confidently talking to groups of girls AND managing your relationships.

No longer do you have to depend on hit and trial when it comes to your love life. Follow simple step by step programs to get the kind of girls that YOU want.

What are you waiting for? Go to our products page and TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LOVE LIFE!